有沒有一首歌會讓你想起我 You Mei You Yi Shou Ge Hui Rang Ni Xiang Chi Wo (Any Song Reminds You Of Me)
燈熄滅了 月亮是寂寞的眼
Deng xi mie le Yue liang shi ji mo de yan
As the lights went out, the moon was left as Lonely Eyes
靜靜看著 誰孤枕難眠
Jing jing kan zhe Shei gu zhen nan mian
Quietly seeking those who is having a Sleepless Night Alone
Yuan chu chuan lai na shou shou xi de ge
A familiar song plays from afar
Na xie xin sheng wei he na yang wei ruo
Yet, why are there only vague feelings of the past
很久不見 你現在都還好嗎
Hen jiu bu jian Ni xian zai dou hai hao ma
It's been a long time since we've met, How are you getting along
你曾說過 你不愿一個人
Ni ceng shuo guo Ni bu yuan yi ge ren
You ever said that you Don't Want To Be Alone
Wo men dou huo zai zhe ge cheng shi li mian
We both live in this city
Que wei he mei you zai jian mian
But why do we never get a chance to meet
Que zhi he mo sheng ren cha jian
Instead, we only pass by strangers...
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你輕輕跟著和
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni qing qing gen zhe he
Is there such a song, which could prompt you to hum along?
牽動我們共同過去 記憶它不會沉默
Qian dong wo men gong tong guo qu Ji yi ta bu hui chen mo
Bringing up stories of our past, the memory will always remain clear
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你心裡記著我
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni xin li ji zhe wo
Is there any song that will make you think of me
讓你歡喜 也讓你憂這麼一個我
Rang ni huan xi Ye rang ni you zhe me yi ge wo
Someone like me who will Make You Happy And Sad
最真的夢 你現在還記得嗎
Zui zhen de meng Ni xian zai hai ji de ma
Do you still remember The Truest Dreams
你如今也是 一個有故事的人
Wo ru jin ye shi Yi ge you gu shi de ren
Now you are also a Story Teller
Tian kong xia zhe yi yang leng leng de yu
The same cold rain falls from the sky onto the same familiar wor
落在同樣的世界 昨天已越來越遙遠
Luo zai tong yang de shi jie Zuo tian yi yue lai yue yao yuan
Yesterday has become more and more distant
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你輕輕跟著和
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni qing qing gen zhe he
Is there such a song, which could prompt you to hum along?
牽動我們共同過去 記憶從未沉默過
Qian dong wo men gong tong guo qu Ji yi cong wei chen mo guo
Bringing up stories of our past, that memory will never fade away
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你心裡記著我
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni xin li ji zhe wo
Is there any song that will make you think of me
讓你歡喜 也讓你憂這麼一個我
Rang ni huan xi Ye rang ni you zhe me yi ge wo
Someone like me who will Make You Happy And Sad
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你輕輕跟著和
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni qing qing gen zhe he
Is there such a song, which could prompt you to hum along?
隨著我們生命起伏 一起唱的主題歌
Sui zhe wo men sheng ming qi fu Yi qi chang de zhu ti ge
Following the ups and downs of our lives, singing the same theme song
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你突然想起我
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni tu ran xiang qi wo
Is there any song that will make you think of me
讓你歡喜 也讓你憂這麼一個我
Rang ni huan xi ye rang ni you zhe me yi ge wo
Someone like me who will Make You Happy And Sad
我現在唱的這首歌 若是讓你想起了我
Wo xian zai chang de zhe shou ge Ruo shi rang ni xiang qi le wo
If this song that I am singing now had made you think of me
涌上來的若是寂寞 我想知道為什麼
Yong shang lai de ruo shi ji mo Wo xiang zhi dao wei she me
And if loneliness rolls in, I want to know why ooh~~~
有沒有那麼一首歌 會讓你突然想起我
You mei you na me yi shou ge Hui rang ni tu ran xiang qi wo
Is there any song that suddenly make you think of me
讓你歡喜 也讓你憂這麼一個我
Rang ni huan xi Ye rang ni you zhe me yi ge wo
Someone like me who will Make You Happy And Sad
我現在唱的這首歌 就代表我對你訴說
Wo xian zai chang de zhe shou ge Jiu dai biao wo dui ni su shuo
This song that I am singing now represents what I want to tell you
就算日子匆匆過去 我們曾一起走過
Jiu suan ri zi cong cong guo qu Wo men ceng yi qi zou guo
Even if the days passed quickly, we have gone through them together
我現在唱的這首歌 就代表我對你訴說
Wo xian zai chang de zhe shou ge Jiu dai biao wo dui ni su shuo
This song that I am singing now represents what I want to tell you
就算日子匆匆過去 我們曾走過
Jiu suan ri zi cong cong guo qu Wo men ceng zou guo
Even if the days passed quickly, we have gone through them together
就算日子匆匆過去 我們曾走過
Jiu suan ri zi cong cong guo qu Wo men ceng zou guo
Even if the days passed quickly, we have gone through them together