我是真的付出我的愛 I Truly Gave My Love To You (1988 Mandarin)
01. 我是真的付出我的愛 Wo Shi Zhen De Fu Chu Wo De Ai
02. 寂寞的眼 Zhi Mo De Yen
03. 擺渡人的歌 Bai Tu Ren De Ge
04. 愛情海的水手 Ai Ching Hai De Shui Shou
05. 捨不得你 She Bu De Ni
06. 沒有你,傷心 Mei You Ni, Shang Xin
07. 這次你的距離 Zhe Zhi Ni De Zhue Li
08. 迎接你 Ying Jie Ni
09. 陽光遊子 Yan Guan You Zhi
10. 搖籃曲 Yao Lan Chue
11. 百發百中 Bai Fa Bai Zhong
01. I Truly Gave My Love To You
02. Lonely Eyes
03. The Songs of A Ferryman
04. The Sailor of love sea
05. Never Gonna Let You Go
06. Sad without you
07. Your distance this time
08. The Welcome of You
09. Sunshine Child
10. The Lullaby
11. Never Miss the Target